tam gluboko serdtse tak stytsit gde-to na peresetsenii orbit
moi kosmos, moi mir, vselennaya otkrit dlya tebya raskolot, poteryan na dvoih moi kosmos,moi kosmos ya tolko tebya bez lishnih slov s soboi vzyat gotov moi kosmos, moi mir, moyu lyubov
slova, slova, kak spasinie mne edva znaem drug o druge no dalse shot-to budet v tvoih glazah otazyus y i tak neobiknovenno teryayus vo vselennoi v tebe teryayu ya sebya
moi kosmos, moi mir, vselennaya otkrit dlya tebya raskolot, poteryan na dvoih moi kosmos,moi kosmos ya tolko tebya bez lishnih slov s soboi vzyat gotov moi kosmos, moi mir, moyu lyubov
ruka v ruke ya yze gotov tebe tak neostorozno priznatsya nevozmozno idu ko dnu, ponimayu, shot tonu v nebe neznakomom teryayu serdtse snova v tvoei cselennoi ya tonu
moi kosmos, moi mir, vselennaya otkrit dlya tebya raskolot, poteryan na dvoih moi kosmos,moi kosmos ya tolko tebya bez lishnih slov s soboi vzyat gotov moi kosmos, moi mir, moyu lyubov
tam gluboko serdtse tak stutsit
moi kosmos, moi mir, vselennaya otkrit dlya tebya raskolot, poteryan na dvoih moi kosmos,moi kosmos ya tolko tebya bez lishnih slov s soboi vzyat gotov moi kosmos, moi mir, moyu lyubov
There heart is deep so knocks Somewhere on crossing of orbits
My space, my world, the Universe It is opened(open) for you It is split, lost for two I only you without superfluous words With itself to take it is ready My space, my world, my love
Words, words, as save to me hardly We know about each other But further something will be In your eyes I am lost and so Unusually I am lost in the Universe In you I lose
My space, my world, the Universe It is opened(open) for you It is split, lost for two I only you without superfluous words With itself to take it is ready My space, my world, my love
Hand in a hand I to available you So it is careless To admit it is impossible I go to a bottom, I understand, that to tone In the sky unfamiliar I lose heart again In your Universe I to tone
My space, my world, the Universe It is opened(open) for you It is split, lost for two I only you without superfluous words With itself to take it is ready My space, my world, my love
There it is deep Heart so knocks
My space, my world, the Universe It is opened(open) for you It is split, lost for two I only you without superfluous words With itself to take it is ready My space, my world, my love